Teppanyaki is basically you sitting on your butt around the grill while the chef cooks everything fresh in front of you and makes it a bit of a show at the same time.
First off the chef flambés the grill.
Then he cooks your egg fried rice, bean shoots and all your meat. I had steak, swordfish, scallops and BBQ chicken and Stace had king prawns, salmon and chicken. We both got an awesome mi-so soup to!
Oh, and I love Asahi beer!
Eating with chop sticks, I got it nailed son!
Here's a video of the chef juggling eggs, I love the way he cracks them into the bowl!
And one of the flameau!
After the meal we headed out for some cocktails. Teppanyaki followed by White Russians: The perfect night!
I think the SO Christmas party has to be at the Teppanyaki grill followed by karaoke!
The next night we headed into town for a ride on the Derby wheel.
At 100ft it's high enough to see the whole of the city.
The view of the town hall from the very top.
Oh, and I love Asahi beer!
Eating with chop sticks, I got it nailed son!
And one of the flameau!
After the meal we headed out for some cocktails. Teppanyaki followed by White Russians: The perfect night!
I think the SO Christmas party has to be at the Teppanyaki grill followed by karaoke!
The next night we headed into town for a ride on the Derby wheel.
At 100ft it's high enough to see the whole of the city.
The view of the town hall from the very top.